JONHON | High Performance Electric Vehicle Chargers

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High Performance EV Chargers that will Change Mobility: The Future of Mobility Includes the Innovative Technology of JO

As the demand for electric vehicles grows, we witness increasing demand for chargers as well. Over the past 50 years, JONHON has honed its skills in the interconnect marketplaces and is now producing high-performance EV chargers that ensure the best charging capabilities for your electric vehicles. We have developed the technology and the research capabilities to manufacture high voltage interconnect systems that can service 550,000 vehicles annually. Discover how our new technologies will help you develop an electric vehicle infrastructure.
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Factors that Make JONHON’s High Performance EV Chargers Stand Out

JONHON has over four hundred engineers and of course focus on electric vehicle business unit. This enables JONHON engineers to efficiently leverage their experience from different industries to create powerful engineering EV chargers for electric cars. We have more than 5100 authorized patents,其中300多项电动汽车专用. Most of the innovations in safety and performance for such chargers are developed by JONHON’s engineers.

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The EV chargers produced by JONHON are built to last and provide consistent charge across all use cycles. Our chargers include sophisticated interconnect technology designed to easily connect with electric vehicles and other infrastructure. When designing chargers, we listen to the customers and offer chargers adaptable to many charging situations. The company’s activity confirms its value, which is the provision of electrical vehicle infrastructure and overall reliability.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is efficient about them, performance-wise? What makes JONHON's EV chargers high performance?

JONHON’s EV chargers depend on high performed engineering and design, stylish innovation and design to render exceptional rapid charge with high voltage delivery. It is because a lot of efforts concerning R&D and patents took place that these products are highly efficient.

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Customer Reviews

John Smith

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User-Friendly Features

User-Friendly Features

JONHON’s high-performance EV chargers include cutting-edge interconnect technology for efficient energy transfer and safe operation. Our focus in R&D provides us with innovative solutions that align with market trends in the electric vehicle industry.
Commitment Towards Renewables

Commitment Towards Renewables

As JONHON provides high-performance EV chargers, the company furthers the cause of sustainable mobility worldwide. Our chargers promote the growth of electric vehicles which in turn leads to lower emissions and a cleaner world.
Overall Assistance

Overall Assistance

JONHON guarantees all assistance for its EV chargers, all phases beginning from the installation, and moving to service. Since we have representation in many countries, the customers are guaranteed to receive assistance in a reasonable timeframe and consultations which improve the overall customer satisfaction.